Mon 7 Dec 2009
Another Surprise Menagerie Update
Posted by laup under Announcements, Outbreak
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Talk about the winter wolf howling in the foothills. The bite of the cold snapping into every nook and cranny.
You see, it snowed today here in the locality. For the first time this late in the year. The balmy weather has been retreating, and this is the first howl I’ve heard of that wolf. Likely the global warming robotazoids will push that wolf back north again for a week–after a freezing night we expect milder temperatures. Fluctuations are now the norm as the monster from the Id busts down the climate door to make us pay for our disloyalty and disobedience to nature.
My friend Alexi is on the move, nomad that he is. Letting go of his relationship with his girlfriend and moving again to follow his dream in Orlando, Florida. I’m a little startled and a small bit scared for him. It takes tremendous courage and faith to hear the calling of your heart and go into the unknown with a willing step.
But then I wonder if once he puts foot in that city he might not find the resources he’s looking for. Alexi has been gathering up skills and experiences as if he were preparing for a new phase in his life. Well, crumbs, my thoughts and feelings are with him. Dude, may blessings and light clear your path, so that you might discover all the important, good stuff residing within you.
At least he will be out of range of the winter wolf’s bite.
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