Thu 1 May 2008
May Day may be here, but I’ve had enough of Spring Surprise and Crunchy Frog
Posted by laup under Meditations, Outbreak, Random Encounters
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch I’m nursing my shocked and battered brainstem. I have to work on putting the latest UFO girl investigations a little more, as I had to go to some rough places to gather my evidence. The Klingon patrols seem more aggressive of late, and everywhere I look, the radioactive mutants are shooting sparks at any evidence of human consciousness.
So what I gots is a measely linkdump for this rainy, supercharged non-firey Beltaine kind of day. Rather than focus on May Day labor struggles and history-of-beatdown stuff, I felt I’d be better off meditating on the fun. Always good is an insanity-point inducing musical number from an old classic, a visual journey into humanization, mockery of the drones as stupid as it is possible for a person to be, and reminders that people do stuff for creativity and relax-enjoy free of coercion.
- The landlord’s daughter from the Wicker Man
- Cloud from the anime collection Robot Carnival
- Spot the Loony from Monty Python
- An enjoyable May Day Parade in Minneapolis
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