Mon 30 Mar 2009
Ka-boom Ka-pow Ka-blooey
Posted by laup under Discussion, Meditations, Outbreak, Random Encounters, Weirdie
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As I head into the apogee of my life, things become clear that were not clear before. I’m thinking about how I’ve been trying to prepare for my life ahead of me. Now I’m meditating on how to prepare for my death ahead of me.
Mind you, barring accidents or violence I ought to make it to the next round. I might be acting premature considering how medical science and circumstance might conspire to extend my span. But I think it’s a healthy pursuit to consider my mid-life transformation and what it means.
In other words, it is perfectly right and good to think about what I am going to leave behind and how I might best leave things for those who will come after me. There is a tarot card from the Medieval Scapini deck, the Six of Cups I believe, where various versions of old age are considered for the viewer.
I always liked the figure that acted as a Santa Claus and gave presents to the community. I think that would be a decent way to go out, dispensing presents. I think a certain amount of the Krampus would be involved in that. I’m not 100% good, nor do I think seeking to be perfectly good is a healthy goal.
Hexe tosses that all out the window for a moment and gives me a super duper deluxe present for my birthday. She totally does a random and throws me for a loop. Back when I was carrying a pass from my Mirage, I never figured I’d actually get to hold a physical manifestation. But there you are, front and back.
This isn’t the first time something in my dreams or visions has appeared in real life. But I have to say, this is the most intense version of events to date. I hadn’t considered the pass having two sides, a light and a dark (moon) side. The fact that it does makes this all the more meaningful.
Let me state for the record that Hexe knows the DEAL, and ain’t fooling around. People might say yeah sure Paul, ha-ha ovens, and all that. She does collage nonsense and weird artistic whatever, who cares? I read a derailed train of thought from people making statements about what artists like Xtine do for a living. It’s a familiar, if automated dodge to the need to construct meaning. These people don’t know how serious this interplay is!
It is not a joke. Unless the joke is on you! Hope your insurance is paid up.
For me, wrapped as it is in an envelope of triple strength caring, I’m reeling from the transformational revealing. I look at the genius clues in my hand and put a palm to my chin. The great living spirit is shining behind someone’s work as a multi-faceted and unusual vision of what’s what.
I mean, that pass, which was just a fancy in the imagination. Here it is, in physical form like the Imperial Seal of the Empress smack dab on the bloody forehead of a disbelieving retainer too late figuring out what time it is.
Hexe couldn’t have touched me in a kore personal place. See the misspelling I made? Right into me, where I hide my personal space. If the shoe fits, I place it on my Pisces feet and walk the dancy ka-boom.
My Aquarian friend holds a mirror up to me. See that face? In the oven I’m cooked, silly walking in a coil of serpentine ways back and back, marking and re-marking walls until I put the shards together.
I still have Hexe’s picture of the numinous tree, which I am meditating on, and trying to form a clue inventory on.
Meanwhile, the pass has become real, and there are messages rising up from the depths towards me. Hexe’s strange and unexpected knowledge from her magic microscope slime their way into my pond, my circle with the weird unexpectedness of a total surprise.
The other day she asked if she had surprised me, and like a dope I thought she meant just now. So I said no. But maybe I ought to have just said yes, because I’m still surprised!
My friends are so cool.
Hmmmmm, the ovens are warmin’ Le Petit! They are calling you. You are almost there standing on the edge of nowhere ready to become who you were meant to be. Hexe will be patient until you accomplish the feat that is set out for you. It won’t be long now. Yes, you are the cool one, especially right after you come out of the oven.
Popovers anyone? Think I will invite Xtine over for tea! You know we haven’t hung out together for a while and maybe we can wrap our minds around Hecate.
Ohhhhhh, I am going to digress – and it is appropriate here for some unknown reason to me but not to the one who is reading this now. “When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, either there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will fly….” (Patrick Overton) Always remember – you can fly – it is not predetermined or predestined that you drop!
Popovers, anyone?
Total coolness Hexe. I love all those neat-o creations you have going on over at your neck of the woods. I can totally see how candy houses get made now! Love the latest murderess project — the images you conjure up are so fascinating with their insights. You’ve been through all this before, so you can watch as little popovers bake bake bake.
all hail, hexe.
i could use some tea and popovers just about now. how did you know? goob a loos over here in x land, and i’m fighting them off with lions. and them lions is well fed on popovers! you’ve had them all over, i’m sure, and know them well. ahhhh. no wonder they’re so strong.
here is my heartfelt greeting from the oregon spring bluster. and a big shout out for the beauty of this gift for mssr. p. wow. celestially perfect and sparkly. lovely.
hoping to be flying soon…